So...I'm still not good at this!! :)

Well, a couple months later and I am just now writing my second entry! Oops! Well, a lot has happened since the last entry. To name a few...Reagan started optometry school at UofH and got all A's on his first round of tests...yes he is a STUD!! He is now studying for his second round of tests that start next week. I started my job as an elementary life skills teacher in Pearland. There is something new that happens in my room every day (which is one reason I want to get better at this guys would LOVE my stories from my classroom...the most recent one being me stepping on one of my student's poop) **You will have to know my humor to understand that this was extremely halarious to me** Finally, the best thing since the last blog is the building of our house, which will hopefully be finished by the end of the month. Every day we go past our house more and more is done and we are getting so excited to be homeowners! We started packing up our apartment this past weekend because we have to be moved out by Nov. 16th. That leaves us homeless for about two weeks or so, but luckily we have great family and will be moving in with the Ratcliff's until our house is finished. It will be an experience, but we are kind of looking forward to living rent free and not having to cook! :) Plus, we don't get to see our families as often as I think we thought we would, so it will be nice to be so close to them for a while and not have to make the 30 minute drive from Pearland to visit. Well, I am hoping I will get better at this...if I spent half the time on blogger as I do on facebook I would probably have the best blog EVER!! But, we will see. Stay tuned for photos of our new home!! :)


The Phamily Matriarch said...

A blog...what fun! I haven't blog in a long while but you can check me out at


HolliJo said...

Yay for blogs! We miss you guys lots! And we can't wait to see pictures of the new house!

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