God is GOOD

Well, I had no trouble finding inspiration for my blog today. After a pretty long day at work, plus a two hour meeting after school, I anticipated being in no mood for anything but dinner and my bed when I got home. Boy, was I wrong. I don't know how many of you were out at sunset tonight, but the sky looked pretty beautiful for a Houston sunset! A great view on my drive home combined with the amazing fall weather put me in great spirits after a long day. It was great to roll the windows down, feel the 60 degree wind, and blare the radio to Addison Road's "What do I know of Holy?" (If you've never heard it, look it up...AMAZING!!) Anyways, felt like I should share the little piece of Heaven God gave me tonight. Hope you are experiencing some God moments tonight wherever you are.

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; those who seek find; and to those who knock, the door will be opened" Matthew 7:7-8


Deana Waddell said...

I am trying to do a family blog for us also, and I really liked yours today. It was so simple and it just expressed the need to have the Lord in our life's. I loved loved it! And Addison Rhodes ROCKS! Love her and the new song! Perfect!

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