I was always a big fan of New Year's Resolutions in high school; some years would go well, some years not. As I got older (and started to fail on my resolutions more often); let's admit, life is much more busy than when I was 16, I just kind of avoided the resolutions altogether. The same was for this year. December 30th rolled around and I hadn't given much thought about the coming new year until Reagan asked me if I was making a New Year's resolution. I replied "I don't think so", and then asked about his. It was sooooo good I decided to steal it :); I guess share would be a better word. Each day in 2011 (and hopefully beyond) Reagan and I are going to S-N-A-P...

S- Spiritual
N- Nutritional
A- Around the House (me)...Academic (Reagan)
P- Physical

It works like this...each day we will do SOMETHING that enhances these four areas. For example, for nutritional I could make a salad for lunch, or even simply take my vitamins for the day. For Around the House, I could unload the dishwasher or make our bed. My favorite things about S-N-A-Pping so far are:

-I have been doing really well having my devotional time in the morning which is something I have always strived to do...I'm not a good evening person (ask Reagan!)
-I have enjoyed doing lunges while walking Drake, I get my physical and his all at the same time (and my booty is firming up too!!)WOOHOO :)
-I love getting a little bit done around the house each day; it makes my deep cleaning on the weekends much more bearable
-I feel much better at the end of the day because I know I did things that were productive.
-Since I do a little bit of exercise each day, it doesn't make me feel bad when I don't make it to the gym. Before, I would start feeling bad if I went a couple of days without going to the gym. Now, I don't feel bad because I know I am getting a little done each day.
-It's just been an overall self-esteem booster! :) It just makes me feel GOOD!

Lots of love and thanks to Reagan for coming up with this New Year's Resolution and encouraging me to follow through.

One last thing...the REAL beauty behind this New Year's Resolution is we are going to TRY to S-N-A-P every day, meaning if you mess up one day, you haven't failed. You pick back up the next day and try again. It's fool proof! :)


HolliJo said...

oh my goodness, this idea is amazing! What a great way to do new year's resolutions! And I agree, we can't raise our kids in different states. It's just not as fun! And P.S. I love the name! And the spelling. (And dont' worry we're not using that one since it's my niece's name lol).

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