9 month update

Well, if you ever look at this blog, you can thank my friend Shallan for this post. After a re-uniting of college friends this weekend, I was scolded for my inability to make new blog posts. So, Shallan (and anyone else who may have wondered when the next post was coming) here ya go!

A few updates on my life in the past 9 months...
Reagan and I celebrated our 1 year Anniversary (we ate our 1 year old wedding cake, which was surprisingly good, followed by a blow to my self esteem when I couldn't zip up my wedding dress :( and then just enjoyed a relaxing night in since our anniversary fell in the middle of Reagan's test week (thank you Optometry school!)...we added a new memeber to our family in June (a charcoal lab named Drake)...joined the Friendswood Young Life team :) and took our first group of kids to camp this summer...I became an aunt (love you Addison!)...started my second year teaching Life Skills in Pearland...and turned 24!!!

My newest highlight...LOVING this cool fall weather...this is definately my favorite time of the year! I cannot wait to find the time (and the money!) to decorate our house in beautiful fall colors :)

Well I know it has been a while and this was quite short, but that will have to do for now, the hubby is on his way home, and I need to take a shower before he gets here. Welcoming him home smelling like a dog was probably okay in the first year, but we are no longer newlyweds, so I guess I should step my game up a little bit :)

I would promise you all (Shallan) that there will be a new post soon with lots of pictures, but I have learned that that is probably not likely. I think I am going to take the approach of not trying and maybe it will just happen...we will see :) Until next time...


shallan said...

YAY!! I LOVE this! Please, please do it again, and again and again! I love your life. And yes, we all want to see pics too. :) so proud of you, hehe.

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