Tread on Trafficking

"There is a road we keep running on until we reach our goal, but LOVE gives us strength to continue our journey." -Survivor in the LOVE146 Round Home

Some of you may know of an organization called LOVE146. A friend of mine and I hosted a Valentine's event this year to raise money for this organization. It is an organization that is fighting to end human trafficking and child sex slavery. It is a great organization whose goal is to see the abolition of child sex slavery in our lifetime. Ever since learning about Human Trafficking in college and the efforts of Love146, I have kept an eye out for anything that I may be able to do to help this organization. First, was the Valentine's event which was actually a great success (thank you to everyone who supported it!). Next on the list, Tread on Trafficking.

Starting May 1st I will be participating in Love146's Tread on Trafficking campaign. During the 8 week period of May 1-June 30, I will be running/biking/swimming/hiking to help end child sex slavery. During this time I recruit sponsors to donate money or pledge $ per mile. I have set a Treading goal of 120 miles! I am nervous on meeting that goal, considering it is going to be HOT those 8 weeks and I have 2 vacations I will be going on, but I am definitely up for the challenge. I am excited to be able to be running for something more meaningful than just running :) haha. This will definitely be more motivation for me to get off the coach and do something. I am also excited because it will push me to try some other types of exercise because let's face it, I can cover more miles in a shorter amount of time biking than running!

If you would like to help support me in my Treading efforts, visit my personal page at And check back on my blog often as I count down my miles starting May 1st!

Happy Trails!


Elizabeth Ann @ Elizabeth Ann's Recipe Box said...

Hi! I found you through Wynne's blog! :-) Nice to meet you!

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