I SURVIVED!! It wasn't always pretty, and wasn't always fun, but you cant't beat the feeling of crossing the finish line after 26.2 miles! This marathon was so great because we had 5 family members running. My dad, my sister Kody and I ran the full marathon while my Aunt Jana and cousin Kayleigh ran the half. It was so fun to get to hang out and carb load together the night before, and then have everyone cheer each other on at the race. We were all finishers and were able to get a picture together at the finisher station!
So here are some details of the race for those of you who might be interested...my dad and I started out at a great pace...about 9:08 minutes per mile. We kept this up for about 13 or 14 miles. I didn't feel too well in the beginning of the race, but that is usually typical for me. After about 10 miles I felt REALLY good, and I was excited because my first marathon I don't think I ever felt really good. lol :) However, that feeling fell off at about mile 17 or 18. Then, at mile 19 it started going down hill. I would consider 19 being where I hit my mental wall; it was hard knowing I had 7 miles left and already not feeling very good. My hamstrings started to tighten up real bad and my hips were killing me (I informed my dad I think it is a woman thing! He says his hips never hurt him). We even ran past a lady my dad sees at Memorial Park running and she was banging on her hips to try and loosen them up! Anyways, my dad and I started walking the water stations at mile 19 (I had to focus water station to water station because it was too daunting to try and think about the finish line 7 miles away) and we started walking the hills to try and stretch out my hamstrings (there were more hills than i expected!!) My dad was great and stayed with me even though I knew he was feeling better than I was and could have kept going. Then, at mile 23 I had a shooting pain from my right hip to my knee. I had injured my leg about 3 weeks ago and we think it is IT band syndrome. Anyways, this pain was right along my IT band. I walked it out and tried jogging about 2 more times and everytime I did it would lock up again. So, my dad went ahead and I settled in to walk the last 3 miles. Well, I couldn't stand getting passed by everyone so I tried to start running again. It was slow going but if I kind of wobbled with my leg straight it didn't hurt as bad. So, I ran 5 minutes, walked 1 minute until the end of the race. And of course ran across the finish line. I'm pretty sure I was so focused to get across the line I didn't even look up or smile, so my finish picture will probably look pretty painful!
I'm sure I looked bad because every volunteer I saw after the race kept asking me if I was okay. I just kept thinking "Do I really look that bad?". Of course I hurt after the race, but so much of running is mental, and now that I was done I felt so much better. My unofficial time is 4:30 (my personal best being 4:10). My dad finished about 5-10 minutes ahead of me and Kody came in later, but finished before the cut off! I was so proud of both of them. I am proud to say my dad could kick both our butts on the marathon course any day. He is a STUD! He also came to the realization during the race that I have to share because I thought it was halarious!
When he first started running in his late 20s early 30s, my mom would always tell him about all the old guys that finished before him. Well, as I was starting to slow down my dad said to me "I just realized, I'm that old guy now finishing in front of the young guys". :) I thought it was great and I'm so proud of him. He just completed his 39th marathon! And will be running Houston next month.
As for me, I think I've decided to be a habitual half-marathoner and an occasional full marathoner. 26.2 miles is just KILLER, but so glad I have been able to accomplish it twice.
Oh and one more note...our favorite sign we saw on the race course I'm pretty sure sums up running marathons. It read..."Why 26.2? Because 26.3 would just be crazy!"
Here is a pic of my dad, Kody, and I after we cleaned up after the race (sorry about the quality, its from a camera phone).
Congratulations Dad, Kody, Aunt Jana, and Kayleigh....so proud of yall :)